“A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in--what more could he ask? A...
According to Shakespeare, April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. This has been evident...
Now ‘tis spring and weeds are shallow-rooted; Suffer them now and they’ll o’ergrow the garden. ...
According to Elizabethan folklore, a Hellebore had the power to repel witches and evil spirits,...
As in life, there are some things that are less glamourous than others but underpin...
To prune or not to prune, that is the question that many gardeners ask themselves...
To quote John Keats in To Autumn, the ‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’ brings...
As the end of meteorological summer ends and we officially move into autumn, it’s time...
After the vibrancy of May and June, borders often start to look a bit jaded...
If there is one daily activity that unites the human race above all others, it’s...