The Garden Fairy Blog - gardening and mental health

Shorter days and long nights can really take their toll on your mental health, especially
during the autumn and winter months.

Spending time in the garden is a real mood-booster.

Spending time in your garden during the autumn
months will enable you to get outdoors in those daylight hours and get some much-needed
vitamin D.

Spending time in the garden is a real mood-booster and can aid your mental health, even if
it’s just for 10 to 15 minutes.

Gardening and Mental Health

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Gardening can reduce your stress and anxiety because you are close to nature. This itself
can improve your mood and reduce your blood pressure.

Builds Confidence

Gardening can improve your self-esteem and build your confidence and this is mainly down
to the fact that you can see what you have done and reap the rewards. Raking leaves in
autumn, watching your vegetables grow and seeing your flower beds flourish in summer is
rewarding and confidence-building.

Vitamin D

As I mentioned earlier, spending time outdoors all year round can increase your exposure to
Vitamin D. This is very important during the winter months as the days are shorter so there
is less opportunity to get outside in the sunshine. Vitamin D is so important as it supports
your immune system and maintains bone strength.

Helps You Focus

Gardening is often a repetitive and meditative process. It will teach you to be patient and
encourage you to have attention to detail which can lead to enhanced focus.
It’s good for you

Gardening is exercise!

When you take part in gardening you are burning calories and
releasing endorphins just like a workout. This will lead to reduced levels of stress and
enhance your overall mood.

If you would like further advice about how to care for your plants or general maintenance in
your garden, then please get in touch.