Aphids are the bugbear of most summer gardeners so you will need to check your plants regularly to stop an infestation of pests.
What are aphids?
Aphids are small bugs which feed by sucking sap from plants. Be it general green or blackfly or specific species such as woolly aphids, they aren't just annoying but can reproduce rapidly and can also cause extensive damage to plants.
Aphids are carriers of disease, transporting moulds and other afflictions around our gardens. One of the most important jobs in the growing season is to check plant tips, nooks in branches and under leaves for those tell-tale clumps, or before you know it, you'll suddenly realise new buds have whole infestations.
How do you get rid of aphids?
You can remove aphids by hand by spraying soapy water directly onto the aphids and the affected parts of the plant, making sure to soak the undersides of the leaves where eggs and larvae like to hid.
You can also create your own spray mixture with essential oils. Use four to five drops of each – peppermint, clove, rosemary and thyme and mix with water in a small spray bottle. Again, spray the aphids, affected plant and eggs/larvae.
Of course, there are insecticides that can also help to get rid of them. Small amounts of aphids can be picked off or even hosed off.
The other alternative is to employ natural predators like ladybirds, green lacewings, hoverflies and birds as they'll eat lots of aphid pests as a handy snack.
Another idea is to introduce plants that aphids like (trap plants) to lure aphids away from plants you are trying to protect. For instance, mint and dill attract beneficial insects to eat aphids. Catnip, onions and alliums are all natural aphid repellents. Dahlias, cosmos and asters act as aphid trap plants.
I must remind you at this stage that aphids LOVE roses and can really attack quickly so make sure you keep a close eye on your rose bushes. They like to gather on and below the rosebuds as well as under leaves.
For more information or advices, please get in touch, alternatively book in for a FREE 30-minute consultation with me to find out how I can help you in your garden.